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June 2024 Release Notes

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This month we’re announcing the release of SDK Snippets as a stand-alone package, our Java version 2 Alpha release, and improved CLI Error messaging.

New Releases This Month

SDK Snippets

We are excited to announce expanded documentation options for SDK Snippets, providing enhanced flexibility and convenience for our customers. SDK Snippets are now available as a standalone package, enabling seamless integration into your existing API documentation in both Markdown and JSON formats. Learn more in our developer docs.

Key Features:

  • Inclusive Code Samples: These crafted code examples demonstrate how to call all endpoints in your API specification. Easily integrate them into your existing API documentation to help developers start calling API endpoints quickly using the SDK in their preferred language.
  • Multi-Language Support: SDK Snippets are generated for all supported SDK languages. Whether your developers prefer Python, TypeScript, Go, Java, or another supported language, they will find tailored SDK snippets to suit their needs.

Tutorial: Integrating SDK Snippets into Your API Documentation Using Docusaurus

We have developed a new tutorial to assist you in integrating SDK snippets into your API documentation using Docusaurus. This guide provides an overview of incorporating SDK snippets into your existing documentation, offering end users easy access to code snippets for quick and efficient integration.

For detailed instructions, please refer to the new tutorial: Integrating SDK Snippets into Your API Documentation Using Docusaurus

Java SDK v2 - Alpha

Our Java SDK generation has been updated to include a v2 option, currently in Alpha. This update includes several enhancements:

  • Improved Models: More efficient and easier to use.
  • Simplified Hooks: Direct access to OkHttp3 Request/Response in hooks, providing greater flexibility.
  • Improved Snippets: Enhanced examples for better understanding and quick implementation.
  • Services: Now provide both Sync and Async versions of every service method.
  • Added Response Headers: More detailed response information for better handling.

Improved CLI Error Messaging

This update enhances the developer experience by providing clearer and more actionable error messages within the Command-Line Interface (CLI). Our goal is to make troubleshooting more efficient and accelerate the development workflow.

Key Features:

  • Clarity and Precision: The revamped CLI error messaging system provides concise and precise information about encountered errors such as authorization and path file errors, helping developers quickly identify and resolve issues.
  • Enhanced User Experience: By prioritizing clarity and context, we aim to reduce frustration and maximize productivity, making the troubleshooting process smoother and more intuitive.