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SDK Generators Maintenance Policy

This document details the maintenance policy for liblab SDK Generators. liblab regularly provides updates to SDK Generators, which may include new features, enhancements, bug fixes, security patches, or documentation improvements. These updates may also address changes in dependencies, language runtimes, and operating systems. We strongly recommend users keep their SDK Generators up to date to benefit from the latest features, security enhancements, and updated dependencies. Continued use of an unsupported SDK Generator version is not advised and is done at the user’s discretion.

SDK Major Version Lifecycle

liblab SDK Generators follow a five-phase lifecycle, as outlined below:

Beta (Phase 0)

During this phase, SDK Generators are not actively supported and are not recommended for production environments. SDK Generators in Beta are intended for early access and feedback purposes only. Releases during this phase may introduce breaking changes.

General Availability (GA) (Phase 1)

In this phase, SDK Generators are fully supported. liblab will provide regular releases that include new features and bug fixes. Active support for the GA version of an SDK Generator will be provided for at least 12 months.

Maintenance Announcement (Phase 2)

liblab will publicly announce at least 5 months before an SDK Generator enters maintenance mode. During this period, the SDK Generator will continue to be fully supported.

Maintenance (Phase 3)

In maintenance mode, liblab limits SDK Generator releases to critical bug fixes and security patches only. Maintenance mode typically lasts 12 months unless otherwise specified.

End-of-Support (Phase 4)

When an SDK Generator reaches end-of-support, it will no longer receive updates or releases. Users who continue to use an SDK Generator that has reached end-of-support do so at their own risk. We recommend upgrading to the latest major version.

Communication Methods

Beginning September 2024, maintenance announcements will be communicated through the following channels:

  • Email Announcements: Affected accounts will receive an email outlining the end-of-support plans for specific SDK Generator versions, including upgrade guidance.
  • Blog Posts: A LibLab blog post will be published, detailing the end-of-support path and timelines.
  • CLI Deprecation Warnings: Deprecation warnings will be added to the CLI, outlining the path to end-of-support and linking to the upgrade documentation.

For a list of available major versions of LibLab SDK Generators and their maintenance lifecycle status, see SDK Generators Version Support.